My Story

From Environmental Scientist to Intuitive Healer


I have always wanted to make a difference in the world and help in some way. I started my career working as an environmental scientist for the state of California. I never expected to be a healer or teacher, but the path of my own healing and expansion has brought me here.

I have been a healing arts practitioner since 2018. I facilitate my clients' healing and growth with diverse knowledge, experience, training, and intuitive guidance. I bring together many different perspectives; Eastern and Western, scientific and spiritual, modern and ancient.

All of the healing modalities, knowledge, and practices I share with my clients I have found to be personally transformative, because while I am a dedicated student and seeker of information, I believe that the most valuable insight is gained through direct experience and connection with our own bodies, emotions, and inner knowing.

I am living proof that incredible transformation is possible, and actually inevitable once we set the intention for healing and growth. I entered adulthood with a legacy of childhood trauma that caused me to close myself off from the world and become disconnected from my body, my feelings, and my power. I knew I wanted more from life, and at the age of 30, I embarked upon an intensive healing journey.

Through yoga, meditation, plant medicine, somatic therapy, self-hypnosis, shamanic practices, energy healing, and lots of time in nature and cuddling with my dog, I reconnected with my essence, and came to more fully embody my authentic self.

After 6 years, I felt called to help others along their own healing path. I completed a yoga teacher training, became a Reiki Master and Alchemical Hypnotherapy Practitioner, and trained in the body-based trauma release therapy Somatic Experiencing. In 2018 I opened a private practice in Arcata, California, and in 2021 I expanded my offerings to include 1:1 mentoring and online courses.

I love living intuitively, and my professional work is guided by information I receive from inner and higher guidance. At the start of my healing journey in my early 30s, I began opening up my awareness to the sprit realm, and ever since then it has been an increasing source of joy, fascination and comfort for me. I feel very blessed to be able to share the wisdom I receive from spirit with my clients and students.

Though I am no longer an environmental scientist, I am still doing my part to make a difference, and having so much more fun than ever before. I understand now that the world is a reflection of our collective consciousness, and by healing ourselves and being truly present in our lives, we are healing each other and the planet.

Curious to know more about my personal healing journey? Read on…

Not long ago, I never would have imagined that I’d have a career in the healing arts, especially not doing energy work and body-based therapy. 

Like most of you, I grew up in mainstream America. A culture that is, by its nature, traumatizing. Our culture disconnects us from natural sources of healing and empowerment - the power of the natural world, the support of a healthy and loving community, and our own intuitive and self-healing abilities. We are trained instead to make ourselves feel better by consuming products and entrusting our health and wellbeing to “experts.”

In addition to this common trauma, I experienced many things in my childhood that I was not equipped to handle, including an absent father who struggled with substance abuse, an overwhelmed and chronically depressed mother who did the best she could, and a sexually abusive step-father who committed suicide when I was 15.

Needless to say, I came out of my adolescence with with a lot trauma. Yet I had no concept of trauma and no tools to process it and heal myself. I did the best I could, but I didn’t feel safe in the world. I lived my life very closed off - to myself, to others, and to the experience of being alive. Life was pretty dull and my body and mind grew tight and tense, struggling to contain the intense emotions of my childhood that I had never let myself feel. I coped by disconnecting and living mostly in my head.

This way of being is encouraged by our culture. Growing up, I was never taught about the intrinsic connection between mind and body. Using the brain – trying hard to “figure things out,” was valued above all other ways of understanding the world. Intuition and receiving insight and information in other ways was ignored and even ridiculed.

I had no concept of energy medicine or body-based therapy, and when I was introduced to these concepts as a young adult, I was highly skeptical and dismissive. But I was lucky enough to discover yoga at age 16 and it changed my life forever. At the time, I didn’t realize the deeper benefits I was getting from practicing yoga - all I knew was that it made me feel good. 

I continued to practice yoga throughout college, where I earned a B.S. in Environmental Policy from UC Davis. Soon after, I got a job I really wanted - working for the State of California at an environmental agency in Sacramento. I learned a lot at that job; most importantly, I found out that I didn’t actually want it. I wasn’t satisfied and didn’t feel like my work was making a difference in the world. So, I took a leap of faith that propelled me on a path I had never imagined. I quit my cushy state job to do….nothing. 

I had no new job lined up. I just wanted some time, for the first time I could remember, to have my days to myself. No school, no work. Just some room to breathe and rest and do whatever else I truly wanted to do. This took a lot of courage and trust. At times I was scared sh*tless. But deep down, I knew I would be alright. 

And that’s when my life began to transform into something completely different and wonderful. I moved North - to the magical beauty of Humboldt County. And, to my surprise, was generously supported by loving people in my life for many years, allowing me to focus on my interests instead of trying to make money. Having so much free time was a revelation. I started getting to know myself. I started enjoying life more than I ever had before. And I started healing myself. 

I became aware of deeply held tension in my body that corresponded to an underlying sense of anxiety. I realized how hard it was for me to truly relax. This discovery launched me onto a new, exciting path and I focused much of my time and energy learning about different healing modalities and directly experiencing them. I started meditating along with my daily yoga practice. I incorporated self-hypnosis (which is really just self-guided meditation) and medicinal plants into my daily life along with plenty of walks in the redwood forest. 

And then energy work came into my life. A visiting friend who also happened to be a Reiki Master told me she wanted to attune me to the first level of Reiki (According to the Reiki tradition, in order to channel this type of energy, a student must be attuned by a Master). I had no idea what she was talking about but I thought “Sure, why not?” So she attuned me and gave me a booklet about Reiki. While I had my doubts, my healing experiences thus far had opened my mind to different ways of perceiving the world. The first time I tried giving myself Reiki I became so relaxed that I fell asleep sitting up (which was quite unusual for me). 

I continued to practice reiki on myself (and my dog!) and devote myself to inner work, and gradually the layers of tension, buried emotions, fear-based beliefs, and unhealthy thought patterns began to shift and release. I started developing trust in my intuition and connection to spirit/god/the universe. And life kept getting better and better. 

After 6 years of intensive self-guided healing (with help from many teachers), I was a completely different person. My love for life and myself was more real and ever-expanding than it had ever been. I felt so good that I wanted to help others experience their own healing transformation. So, In 2018 I completed a yoga teacher training program and received my Reiki Master training and attunement. That same year, I began practicing professionally at the Arcata Healing Arts Center in Arcata, California. Since then, I have continued adding to my toolbox with training in Divine Energy Medicine, Shamanic Healing, Alchemical Hypnotherapy and Somatic Experiencing.

I recently relocated to Eugene, Oregon and from here I offer in-person and long-distance healing and mentoring sessions. I continue to be fascinated by and devoted to the process of healing myself and others. This is a lifelong practice that connects me more and more deeply with the vibrant essence of who I am.

Thank you for taking the time to read about my journey! If you feel called to work with me, please reach out. I am truly honored to help you along your unique path of healing and expansion.
